Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Winchester District UMMen Prayer Challenge

Dear Current/Prior UMM Fellowship Presidents,

   Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF):  I’d like each UMM Fellowship on the Winchester District to COMMIT to a public prayer, once a week, with as many of your congregation members as you can round up (men, women and children).  Can we as UMM lead this effort, on behalf of our churches, faithfully for 13 weeks?         More................


  1. Yes I will participate in this prayer challenge and involve the Reliance UMC, Reliance, VA

  2. I will get a group in our church / fellowship Front Royal UMC to gather for prayer weekly....Don B

  3. I’m in and sharing with my family members, Braddock Street UMC - Jim Green

  4. I love and support the idea, we will pray also, New Hope Alliance Church, Betty Green

  5. Greenwood UMC will participate....God bless you for making this happen!! -- Steve Cunningham

  6. Yes, we're in. Please send me the prayers and I'll make sure they get incorporated in the worship service or some other gathering of our church each week.
    Dave Stegmaier, President of the UMM at John Mann

  7. Bless you all. May God strenthen each of you to stand up in unity and prayer for Christ's Holy Church. Amen and Amen!!!! Thank you so much!!! - Herb

  8. Please add Willisville Chapel UMC - Curtis Smith WCUMM Treasurer

  9. Herb,
    Dave Robinson, one of the men of our church, Round Hill UMC Loudoun, has taken the lead in facilitating our congregation in a 10 week prayer course, 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. for more info. This class begins February 21. Thanks for your weekly prayer offerings and your initiative in this valued effort! Always in His Name! Chas Browning
